Imaginarium extras

A bunch (which is bigger than a pinch, but smaller than a shedload) of ideas and resources to accompany Saturdays at the Imaginarium.

Over on the right is a handy downloadable teaching resource (around KS2) with prompts for reading, performing, reflecting, discussing, writing, drawing and more.

Down below (have a scroll) are some blog posts with poems along with ideas for things to think about, write, make and generally play around with.

On another page you can also check out some Poetry films & videos from my books.

If you’re, say, a teacher or a children’s librarian and would like me to make a video for your class or event, e.g. reading some poems, chatting about the imagination and other awesome powers of the human mind, focusing on one or two poems along with some creative exercises, answering children’s questions – or whatever you’d like to suggest, drop me line.