‘Haiku Futures’ by Hot Poets: bringing poetry and science together to imagine a better possible future

Hot Poets is an award-winning, internationally focused initiative that seeks to powerfully communicate climate change science and action through spoken word poetry.

Their latest project is ‘Haiku Futures‘, in which Hot Poets have partnered with UNFCCC’s Resilience Frontiers to create a global participation project to gather your ideas for a better future. In the weeks leading up to COP28 in Dubai, Hot Poets will be making a new series of four participatory haiku and photography films, soundtracked by the Tongue Fu band.

The project was launched on National Poetry Day, 6th October 2023, to tie in with the Day’s theme of ‘Refuge’, inviting audiences to consider ‘What if the future could be a refuge?’

Each Haiku Futures film will take inspiration from one of four of the UNFCCC‘s Resilience Frontiers eight pathways to a more desirable world and will include a diverse and international weave of haiku ideas and photographic images, gathered from contributions made online from across the world.

I’m delighted to have contributed three photographs to the Pathway 1 film (‘Transforming Humanity’s Relationship with Nature’) and a haiku to the Pathway 2 film (‘Lifelong Learning for Environmental Stewardship’), both of which you can watch below.

You can find out all about the project and how to join in, and view each of the films as they’re released, at hotpoets.org/haiku-futures-home


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